
Prosciutto Crudo Stagionato

Réalisé avec des cuisses de porc sélectionnées. Tranché finement il offre des saveurs délicates et très caractéristiques du savoir-faire italien. Tranches chiffonnées.


  • Sans Gluten

The recipes

Piadina with Roast Ham with Herbs and Grape Salad

Piadina with Roasted Ham with Herbs and Grape Salad

Cooked Ham With Robiola Cheese And Walnuts

Ricotta Pie in a Prosciutto Turban

Salami Milano with Pineapple and Artichoke Crudites

Mortadella Salad With Rocket and Pears

Frogfish In a Rosé Cloak

Cornets Of Prosciutto Filled With Ricotta And Chives

Pork Fillet In Prosciutto Slices

Speck Dumplings

Tagliatelle In A Salami Crust

Savoury crepes with cooked ham and scamorza cheese

Savoury crepes with cooked ham and scamorza cheese

 Bruschetta with figs, raw ham and parmesan

Bruschetta with figs, raw ham and parmesan